I ask for a moment’s indulgence to sit by thy side | Song Offerings, Gitanjali by Rabindranath Tagore

I ask for a moment’s indulgence to sit by thy side – is a poem in the Rabindranath Tagore’s poetry collection “Song Offerings” or “Gitanjali” in Bengali. Geetanjali is a remarkable book of verses composed by Rabindranath Tagore (1861-1941), which earned him the Nobel Prize.

Serial Number of the song : 05

I ask for a moment's indulgence to sit by thy side | Song Offerings, Gitanjali by Rabindranath Tagore

I ask for a moment’s indulgence to sit by thy side.

I ASK FOR A moment’s indulgence to sit by thy side.

The works that I have in hand I will finish afterwards.

Away from the sight of thy face my heart knows no rest nor respite,

and my work becomes an endless toil in a shoreless sea of toil.

To-day the summer has come at my window with its sighs and murmurs;

and the bees are plying their minstrelsy at the court of the flowering grove.

Now it is time to sit quiet, face to face with thee,

and to sing dedication of life in this silent and overflowing leisure.


I ask for a moment's indulgence to sit by thy side | Song Offerings, Gitanjali by Rabindranath Tagore


It was written originally in Bangla during 1908-1909 and later its English version in prose was published under the title ‘The Song offerings’. It was the first English anthology of Rabindranath published in late 1912 by the India Society of London. On 10 November of the following Year (1913), Rabindranath Tagore was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature for the book Geetanjali.

This recognition introduced Rabindranath worldwide as an exponent of unique poetic talent. Famous Irish poet W B Yeats wrote the introduction of the English version of Geetanjali. Besides, a pencil sketch of the poet drawn by Rothenstain was published in the book. Rabindranath dedicated Geetanjali to WB Yeats.



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